I’m Simon Raybould and I bet your world isn’t perfect – and it probably won’t ever be. But my speaking gigs can help you make it just that little bit closer.
What you’ll get is research-based, content-driven, and supported by high energy, engaging delivery – designed to give you all the useful content I can fit into the time you give me.
You won’t get JAMS – Just Another Motivational Speaker. This isn’t my personal story (though I will use stories!). This is Impact Orientated Speaking. (Yes, I know, I need a better acronym because Apple use IOS!)

Simon’s speaking options
My most recent speakings are about the power of storyUSING in presentations… not storytelling.
Other impact-based topics that are still available are:
- productivity in an unstructured world
- presentations that flipping work!
- emotional resilience and coping with the crap
Why Simon? Who’s Simon?
You can get more detail here but the short version is that I’m a research scientist and a performer, turned speaker.
I’m an author of several books on presenting and a TEDx speaker. I spent 24 years as a research scientist and I’ve also: toured as a lighting designer for dance companies; written plays and directed opera; been a teacher and trainer; oh yeah… and I’m a fire-eater.
For me, it’s about impactful, useful content, delivered in a way that engages. It’s about being impactful on the stage, so your audiences can be more impactful in the world.

Opening Newcastle University TEDx, from the TED website, filmed during a Covid lockdown, with no audience – performed in an empty room
If you’d rather see it directly on the TED site, it’s at https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_raybould_how_to_hear_bad_news
There’s nothing harder than an audience of other speakers. This was the reaction to my keynote at the 2024 Speaking Business Summit!
I’d say that when quite well!

Make more impact – get Simon speaking!
Addressing a training conference for the Professional Speaking Association for UK & Ireland. And yes, that’s telling very successful professional speakers how to be better presenters… 😉
… and wrapping up a more light-hearted conference!
Sometime people just want a fun finish. With drums on stage.. .and why not, eh? 🙂
Make more impact – get Simon speaking!