I’m an expert in what I speak about – so while there’s only a little variation in content, there’s quite a bit of flexibility in terms of how it’s delivered. If in doubt, ask! 🙂 (Or see if the FAQs help.)

This is Sid. Sid’s the StoryParrot, telling people to “tell stories, tell stories, tell stories”! The thing is, Sid’s wrong.
There’s no doubt that stories are an incredibly powerful way of getting your message over and they’ll improve almost any presentation (even the technical ones!) but there’s a science to it.
Don’t think about storytelling. Think about storyusing.
In this presentation we explore the skills of communicating and how to get your message across by finding the right stories -and using them in the right way… deciding what stories to tell, and how to make them useful not just decorative.
You don’t need to have been raised by giant ants on Mars to have stories that can move the world.
You can download more details here. Don’t forget to download the speaker pack for background information. There are more technical details here.
Suitable for: motivation/self-development conferences; marketing conferences; sales conferences; company conferences (particularly in the tech sector and the professional services sector); charity conferences; academic conferences.
How helpful is this session? The incoming President of the Professional Speaking Association of UK & Ireland just described it as “the highlight of the conference” at their international conference of October last year!

Older presentations that are still available
Better Presenting
Information and ideas that are in your head – but which you can’t share with other people – are like library books on the wrong shelf. No one can borrow the book and so no one can learn from it.

This presentation about presenting starts with the science of what not to get wrong and moves on to more and more advances content, so that your presentations aren’t just a time-consuming waste of time, but are far (far!) more likely to get the results you and your teams need. Presenting should haven an ROI, just like your… well, everything in your business, really!
Suitable for: company conferences (particularly in the tech sector and the professional services sector); charity and public sector organisation conferences; academic conferences.
Coping with the Crap (positivity and less-than-positive world)
Sometimes life is out to get us… or at least it feels like that.
Just saying “be positive” and “have a positive mindset” is a bit like meeting someone who’s too short to reach the shelf and saying “You need to be taller”. It’s true, but not helpful. So here are the tools to help you get that mindset!
We’ll explore the best research (old and new!) around for how to handle the stresses and strains of an uncertain, challenging and complex working world – the old and the new. You can chose to concentrate on tools that work for immediate, short-term crisis situations, or tools that build longer term emotional resilience – or go for both if you’ve got the time!
Suitable for: charity and public sector organisation conferences; academic conferences; company conferences.
Coming up for AIR

Air stands for Act, Inform, Restore and it’s the ideal framework for being productive and sane in the long term. The good news is that productive and sane aren’t mutually exclusive, as all the research on long term productivity shows!
This presentation has recently been the source of my latest book.
Suitable for: charity and public sector organisation conferences; academic conferences; company conferences.